AutoLoad Onboard Stability Software has developed from a proven line of stability software products that have been installed on a diverse range of vessel types for more than 15 years - including Semi-submersible, jack-up rigs, Offshore Support, Tanker, Heavy Lift, Bulk, Container, RoRo, RoPax, Naval, Coast Guard, Survey, Cable, and Cruise Ships.
Autoload makes calculations based on 3D geometry models - which means you always get simulation based on real parameters and not on interpolation of table-based values. Autoload has options to input data from any tank, draft, mooring or crane sensor system you choose to operate, and as standard, accepts manually entered data at any time.
Deck Loading/Cargo Management Systems
When you can improve your planning, improve your ability to communicate your plans, and monitor implementation of your plans all in the same system - then you are saving money. Our Deck Loading/Cargo Management software gives you a highly organized, accurate, flexible, and straightforward system of creating, editing, and tracking loading/stowage plans. You can use these systems to plan, model, and track stowage of all types of cargo - point weights, distributed weights, bulk oil stowage, containers, etc. Real-time planning and operations are integrated in a common interface, improving safety and efficiency at every stage.
The features that make such stowage plans possible include:
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